Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Let It Slide: A Measurement Game

Another goodie from Education.com

What you need:
deck of cards
table about a meter in length (or masking tape to mark off a meter in length)
paper and pencil

How to Play
1.  Mark a line one meter from the edge of your table.  Or use a table one meter in length.  If necessary, mark a 1 meter square playing area on the floor with tape.

2.  Each player draws 3 cards from the deck.  They take turns sliding their cards along the table.  You must release your card by the time you reach the tape marking the edge of the 1 meter playing field.  The goal is to have the card land touching the edge of the table - or the 1 meter mark.

3.  Measure the distance each card is from the meter mark using a ruler.  Students should measure in either centimeters or inches (teacher assigns).  If the card falls off the table, or slides past the border, then the student records 20 as their score.  Players should measure their total number of centimeters or inches and record them for the round.

4.  Play for 5 rounds.  Add up your totals (calculators may be used at teacher's discretion).  The lowest score wins!

Give Me a Clue

This game comes from Education.com

You Need a deck of cards.  Remove face cards and jokers.

1.  Take turns being the dealer and the guesser.

2.  The dealer draws 2 cards from a shuffled deck.  After examining the cards, they must give 2 clues that involve a math operation and relate the cards to one another.  For example, if the dealer has a 3 and a 5, their clues might be:
a.  The sum of the cards is 8.
b.  When you double one of the cards, you get 10.

3.  Now the guessers tries to identify the value of the 2 cards.  If they are unable to guess correctly, the dealer gives another clue.
For example:  The difference is 2.

4.  When the numbers are guessed, switch roles and play again.

Variations:  Allow children to choose 3 cards.  Even more advanced?  Let them choose 4 cards.