Monday, September 26, 2011

Add-to-Ten Concentration

Add-to-Ten Concentration

Today we played Add-To-Ten Concentration.  I chose this game because my class had trouble adding 3 one-digit numbers last week.  I showed them how much easier it is to add the 3 numbers if you begin by making a 10.

Surprise, surprise!  The majority of my second graders could not make a 10.  At least not without counting on, or counting cubes or even fingers.  

I usually plan the game of the week so my students practice a skill from the week before.  Thus, today's choice.

Here's how to play:

Add-to-Ten Concentration

Materials needed:
deck of cards for each group of 2-3 children

How to Play:

1.  Shuffle the cards.  Remove all face cards, 10's and jokers.  Deal remaining cards face down on the table.

2.  The first player chooses two cards.  She turns them over (without changing their locations) so that all players can see them.

3.  Player 1 adds the two cards.  Ace = 1.   If the sum is 10, she keeps the two cards and goes again.

If the sum is not 10, she turns the two cards over and ends her turn.

4.  Play continues with next player.

5.  The winner is the player with the most cards at the end of the game.  Of course, any student who learns his add-to-tens facts is a true winner, no matter how many matches he made.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How My Math Workshop Works

My students are playing the same game this week.  Why?

So I can make sure everyone - and I mean everyone - understands how to rotate through the Cycles of our math workshop.

I cannot take credit for this set-up.  I modeled it after Beth Newingham's workshop that she described here:

My workshop begins with a whole class mini-lesson.  We use the Envisions program, so my mini-lesson usually centers around the Visual Learning Animation that is included with the program.  We follow that up with a quick journal activity.

In the journals, my students sometimes tell about what they just learned.  Sometimes they solve a tough word problem.  Sometimes they describe their feelings about math.  Sometimes they write about their favorite parts of math workshop.  And, sometimes they describe strategies that they invented - all by themselves - to play the math game of the week.

Those strategy entries are the ones that I see them sharing.  And reading without prompting.  However, I believe those are the toughest to write.

After journaling, I begin the 3 cycles of my workshop.

First, I have to pretest each student before beginning a new chapter (topic in Envisions).  I group the kids into 3 categories based on the pretest.  Group A kids need a lot of help on that topic.  They need to work with me in a small group and get lots of support.  Group B kids showed me they are ready to learn the material.  And Group C kids?  Those Group C kids are the real reason I started math workshop.  They already know the material for that chapter.  The groups are fluid.  Most children are assigned to different groups from chapter to chapter.  I always have a couple of kids who stay in Group C the whole year.

Before I organized my math instruction into a workshop, I taught a whole-class math lesson.  Then I worked with small groups - except I didn't really.  I actually worked with the same small group every day.  The other kids mostly worked alone.  When they finished, they would grab a challenge sheet - that I didn't have much time to help them with, because I was firmly entrenched with my small group.

And, my poor small group.  They never had time for the challenge sheets.  We played games, maybe once a week, but those poor babes usually had work left over that they needed to finish.

So, here's how my cycles work.

During Cycle 1, I work with my small group.  We sit on the carpet in front of the smartboard with manipulatives spilling out around us.  Our work is on clipboards, or the smartboard, and they have to demonstrate that they know the math.  They show me with cubes, or counters, or acting, or number manipulation.  But, we work until they prove to me that they can do it.

And, most importantly, they prove it to themselves too.

Group B, the group that is ready to learn the material, but are not independent yet (my average grade level learner) is usually my largest group.  They begin Cycle 1 playing the Game of the Week.  I teach the game on Friday afternoon - or sometimes Monday if I run out of time.  This group is very vocal about how much they love Math Workshop.  There must be some positive mojo about starting math with a game.

Group C, my advanced group, begins Cycle 1 completing the math worksheet independently.  When I first started the workshop, I did not ask them to complete the worksheet if I had proof they knew the material.  However, I've discovered that the practice increases their accuracy.  It usually takes them 5 minutes.  Then they join Group B at the game.

Cycle 1 ends when Group A has proved to me that they understand.  They head off to complete the worksheet together at one of the side tables.  I've taught them how to work as a team.  Occasionally, they head off and work independently.  But most days they are happy to work together.  I love to hear their voices as they repeat parts of my lesson word for word.

Group B joins me at the carpet.  I provide guided practice of the skill introduced in the mini-lesson.  We work together for a short time.

Group C stays at the game, or goes there if they were still completing the worksheet.

Finally, Group A gets to play the game.

Group B finds seats so they can complete their practice sheet.

Group C joins me at the carpet for a challenging lesson.  I generally try to work with an advanced topic related to the day's lesson.  If we are working on place value, I might have Group C work on numbers to 1 million.  However, my lessons often branch out into math topics that they have requested.  Those advanced second graders often want to multiply large numbers, or learn long division.  We use manipulatives and learn what the algorithms mean.  Sometimes they get a tough math puzzle - logic puzzles and kenkens are some of my favorites.

And finally it's time for the wrap up.  Although to be honest, I usually look up at the clock and have to rush to clean everything up.  Wrap Ups might include students sharing a "brilliant" journal entry, explaining a strategy, describing a light bulb moment, or just turn and talk. 

It sounds complicated, but once the kids understand the cycle rotation, it's smooth. I'm lucky to have a full time Teaching Assistant, and even luckier because she's wonderful.  She's out there in the wilds of my classroom helping kids with their practice sheet or helping someone with the  game.  

When it gets good and loud out there, I'll glance up from my lesson and see her playing the game of the week with a child and an audience watching in wonder.

Math workshop could work without her, but I wouldn't want to try it.  She's a blessing.

So...about repeating the same game this week?  Sum Wars?
Today in one of my group lessons I asked Max, "How did you know 9 + 5 so quickly?"  (I thought I was going to get a 2nd grade explanation of the 9's Trick.)
"I learned it playing that game.  I kept practicing until I was faster."

Oh yeah.  You heard it here.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sum War

Sum War is a game for practicing math facts. It relies on luck and speed skills. It is not a game for developing strategy; however, I bring it back several times during the year to provide more basic fact practice. On rainy days, many students ask if they can play Sum War for indoor recess.

1 deck of cards for each pair of students

How to Play
  1. Remove all face cards and jokers from the deck. Aces are kept in the deck and equal 1.
  2. Deal all cards so the two players have equal piles. Do not look at your cards.
  3. Both players place top card face up on the table. (Do teach your students to flip the cards so that they cannot see the card until it is face up on the table. There is definitely an advantage if a player looks at his card while hiding it from the opponent.)
  4. Students race to add the 2 cards together. The first player to announce the correct sum wins both cards.

    First player to call "9" wins this pair.

  5. Winner of that hand creates a new pile to hold his “winnings”. 
  6. If there is a tie because both players call the correct sum at the same moment, then a tie breaker is necessary.  Both players deal another card.  The player who calls the sum first wins all 4 cards.
    3 + 1 = 4 was a tie.  The first player to call 18 wins all 4 cards.

  7. When a player has no more cards in his hand, he moves his “winnings pile” over to replace his deck.
  8. Play continues until one player has all the cards, or the teacher asks them to clean up.