Add-to-Ten Concentration
Today we played Add-To-Ten Concentration. I chose this game because my class had trouble adding 3 one-digit numbers last week. I showed them how much easier it is to add the 3 numbers if you begin by making a 10.
Surprise, surprise! The majority of my second graders could not make a 10. At least not without counting on, or counting cubes or even fingers.
I usually plan the game of the week so my students practice a skill from the week before. Thus, today's choice.
Here's how to play:
Add-to-Ten Concentration
Materials needed:
deck of cards for each group of 2-3 children
How to Play:
1. Shuffle the cards. Remove all face cards, 10's and jokers. Deal remaining cards face down on the table.
2. The first player chooses two cards. She turns them over (without changing their locations) so that all players can see them.
3. Player 1 adds the two cards. Ace = 1. If the sum is 10, she keeps the two cards and goes again.
If the sum is not 10, she turns the two cards over and ends her turn.
4. Play continues with next player.
5. The winner is the player with the most cards at the end of the game. Of course, any student who learns his add-to-tens facts is a true winner, no matter how many matches he made.
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