Thursday, November 3, 2011

Evens or Odds

This game will appeal to fans of Rock, Paper, Scissors.  The boys in my room are loud when they play this game, and they love to be loud.

Here's how to play.  Pair up your students.  One group may have 3 kids, but make sure those kids are able to add 3 numbers together.

1.  Players decide who will be "odds" and who will be "evens".  Each creates a score card in their journal.  A simple T chart will work fine.

2.  Both players bounce their fist on their legs or tables 3 times saying "Evens or Odds, Shoot".  When they say "Shoot", both players should shoot out any number of fingers between 0 or 5.  

3.  Players add together the numbers from each player's hand.

4.  If the sum is odd, the "odd player" adds the sum to his score.  If the sum is even, the "even player" adds the score to her score. 

5.  Repeat steps 2 - 4 until one player reaches 50.

Challenge Version
Play the same game, except each player uses 2 fists.  Add together the fingers from all 4 hands to get the sum.  This version will require some double digit addition.


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